Get Cleaned Quality Cleaning Services

Sanitisation cleaning services in Perth

Commercial Decontamination & Sanitising Deep Clean Services

We are all in this together

Get Cleaned, keeping you, your employees and customers safe!

Our extensive selection, induction and ongoing training programme ensures we only hire the best, here is why you need GetCleaned cleaning for your business through this pandemic.

We want you to feel safe knowing that whether it’s a Coronavirus (COVID-19) touch clean, a full disinfecting precautionary clean for Coronavirus (COVID-19), Flu and/or Colds or other related illnesses, or a full pandemic clean (workplaces who have a confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Our complete professional and extensively trained team of cleaners will get to work so you can get back to running your business safely.

Our commitment to the health and safety of all our employees.

Get Cleaned Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all its employees. The Coronavirus is affecting over one million people globally with the Government of Western Australia Declaring a State of Emergency and Public Health Emergency in response to the Coronavirus COVID-19.

Whilst we are undergoing this pandemic, we will endeavour to keep our staff informed on any developments that is provided to us. It is also important that the employees of Get Cleaned Pty Ltd in accordance with the Health, Safety & Environment manual it is important to maintain a safe working environment both for yourself and that of your work colleagues. During this period and until advised otherwise it is imperative that we follow the guidelines and strict instructions that the Western Australian Government has implemented across the State.

It is advisable that you maintain abreast of developments either via television broadcasts, radio broadcasts and/or internet publications, as situations and circumstances change via the Government announcements which may impact our ability to undertake our duties which we will discuss and take reasonable steps to lessen any burden which may effect you and your family.

This information booklet dedicated to the Coronavirus [COVID-19] must be read and acknowledged by all staff. It is important that you fully understand the requirements, instructions and adhere to the Government rulings in order for us to continue working and maintaining a safe environment for everyone.

Upon distribution and discussion of this information booklet, should you have any concerns please ensure you contact me to discuss and clarify any questions you may have.

Your cooperation is paramount during this pandemic and I congratulate you all to date in maintaining a high standard work ethic and following procedures.

We are all in this together and together we will overcome the hurdles ahead of us.

Cleaning procedures that decontaminates

Our cleaning requires both thorough cleaning and disinfection for environmental decontamination. Our Cleaning is followed by a combined three step disinfectant process.

We are specifically using the Governments Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Principles for COVID-19

More Coronavirus information

While coronavirus is of concern, it is important to remember that most people displaying symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat or tiredness are likely suffering with a cold or other respiratory illness—not coronavirus.

For the latest advice, information and resources, go to
Call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450. The phone number of each state or territory public health agency is available at Australian State & Territory Health Contacts
If you have concerns about your health, speak to a doctor.

This information enquiry line covers:

  • Latest information regarding the impact of the virus
  • people experiencing symptoms
  • information on impacts of families, schools, businesses & health care providers
  • up-to-date advice on restrictions to travel & public gatherings

Healthy WA
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
World Health Organisation

Read about more about our professional cleaning services for Perth here